Welcome To My Blog!

Welcome To My Blog!

I’m Connie Tipton, co-owner of Tipton Equipment Restaurant Supply, (along with my husband Tim), and a full-time foodie. This is where I post tips, recipes and other restaurant musings I find helpful or interesting. Hope you enjoy!
Cleaning Your Home Kitchen Equipment

Cleaning Your Home Kitchen Equipment

Trying to find a more natural way of cleaning your kitchen equipment? This includes your oven, your stovetop, your refrigerator, and basically anything that either holds your food or cooks your food. You might even have self-cleaning appliances, but you’re not so...

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6 Equipment Buying Tips Every Restaurant Owner Needs to Know

6 Equipment Buying Tips Every Restaurant Owner Needs to Know

If you own a restaurant, knowing how to purchase the right equipment is one of the key ingredients to the success of your company. Here’s a bit of advice to help you become a purchasing pro: Our 6 Restaurant Equipment Buying Tips 1. Consider your current situation and...

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5 Ways to Get the Most out of Your Dishwasher

5 Ways to Get the Most out of Your Dishwasher

Dishwashers are an incredibly helpful timesaver, and in the fast-paced restaurant industry, staff and managers are desperate for even a small amount of extra time. Although simply putting dishes into a machine seems simple, if your dishwasher is not well-maintained...

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How to Keep Having Fun while Running your Restaurant

How to Keep Having Fun while Running your Restaurant

Restaurant owners typically have a passion for cuisine. Opening and running a restaurant is exciting, providing the opportunity to fully explore and develop your vision. However, if you have been in the restaurant business for any length of time, you know that it is...

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3 Great Reasons to Maintain Your Restaurant Equipment

3 Great Reasons to Maintain Your Restaurant Equipment

As the owner of a restaurant, you want a healthy and clean business. In the hustle of everyday restaurant management, it can be easy to forget to take care of issues that don’t seem as pressing as the customer complaining that they got the wrong order or that their...

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3 Tips for Maintaining Your Commercial Oven

3 Tips for Maintaining Your Commercial Oven

As a restaurant owner, buying a commercial oven is an enormous investment. You will desperately want this oven to work properly and you need to make sure it does. You are responsible for your restaurant business. But what if your commercial oven stops working on the...

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5 Steps to Cutting Food Waste from Your Kitchen

5 Steps to Cutting Food Waste from Your Kitchen

Food waste is a problem around the world. Taking steps to prevent food waste in your kitchen doesn’t just make your restaurant more morally strong; it can also help you save money on ingredients and attract more customers. Here are some steps you can take to reduce...

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