Handling Theft in Your Convenience Store

February 21, 2019

Running a convenience store is challenging to say the least. You need to staff it, but not with too many people. Then again, too few and you have a lot of problems – including theft.

There are three groups that can be responsible for product and money loss in your store. Fortunately, with the right store equipment, you can minimize your losses.

Here’s how to handle each type of theft and what you can do about it!



You count on vendors to stock your store with a specific brand of merchandise. Unfortunately, they often work alone and stock your shelves unsupervised. That means that they have an opportunity to either steal from your nearby merchandise or short you the product you ordered.

The key store equipment, if you can call it that, to prevent this type of problem are your managers. They should check in every delivery by actually looking at and counting every item. They should also keep an eye on vendors as they stock. This will help ensure no errors are made – either by accident or design.



Unfortunately, those you trust the most are in the best position to steal from you. Make sure you have a way to track “no sale” ring-ups that open the cash register. You can also use store equipment like daily worksheets, camera systems, and sales detection.

While you don’t want to treat your employees like criminals before anything happens, close tracking, trustworthy managers, and clear oversight is the only way to be safe.

As an owner, you also need to be active and onsite as much as possible. There aren’t very many businesses that do well with an absentee owner, so plan to be present to improve your store’s success.



Vigilance and modern camera technology are important tools to catch customer theft. You can also use store equipment such as locking display cases for liquor and behind-the-counter dispensing of cigarettes and other high-risk items.

Surveillance helps you make sure your store is running properly, and having the right equipment in place can also help you watch for errors, poor service, or lack of effort at work.

To prevent robberies and other serious incidents, take care with how much cash you have on hand. Many stores don’t accept over $50 bills, and those that do have special drop procedures for large bills. You can also schedule cash drops to keep your cash-on-hand below $500.

As a deterrent, you can also have a sign advertising that there is not significant cash on hand and that the clerk cannot access the safe.

It pays to take steps to secure your store!


Get the Store Equipment Your Location Needs Today

Are you interested in getting locking display cases or taking other steps to secure your store? We would love to help. We’ve been helping Little Rock convenience stores with all kinds of equipment, from displays and shelves to food and beverage dispensers.

If you’re interested in getting new or high-quality used store equipment, all you have to do is give us a call. We’re here for you – contact us for more information today!

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