Cooking Equipment Disasters You Can Avoid

August 29, 2019

Cooking equipment disasters you can avoid through proper safety procedure and careful proceeding.

Kitchens are the heart of the home, but they’re also home to a lot of cooking equipment that can pose safety hazards. Cooking fires top the list of things that can go wrong in the kitchen followed by injuries from knives, cookware, food processors, microwaves, and blenders. Fires related to cooking peak over the holidays—Thanksgiving has three times the average cooking-related fires. 


Keep an Eye on Your Cooking Equipment 

Fires involving cooking equipment account for two of every five reported home fires. Unattended cooking equipment accounts for one in three fires, and half are ignited by fat, grease, oil, or related substances, according to the National Fire Protection Association. If you spend a lot of time in the kitchen, take a minute to bone up on these safety tips to avoid accidents.

Stay in the kitchen when you are frying, grilling, or broiling.

If you are simmering, baking or roasting, remain at home and check the food often. Set the timer as a reminder.

Keep anything that can catch fire—potholders, towels, food packaging—away from the stovetop.

Always keep a lid nearby to smother small grease fires by sliding the cover over the pan and turning off the burner.

If a fire starts in the oven, turn it off and leave the door closed.

If the fire gets out of hand, leave the house and call 911.

Keep a fire extinguisher with a minimum 5-B:C rating on hand.


Safety Tips for Dangerous Cooking Equipment 

One of the great dangers in the kitchen are those blades of honed steel created to slice through produce and flesh: your kitchen knives. There are too many tips for listing here; there are whole classes dedicated to knife safety. But with some basics in mind and a review of more comprehensive knife safety guidelines, you can lessen your risk of injuring yourself or ditching a digit. 

Always use sharp knives.

Do not hold food in your hand while you cut it.

Always cut on the cutting board. (Use a non-slip one or place a damp dishtowel beneath it to prevent it from slipping.)

Always keep fingers on top of the blade in case it moves.

Keep knife handles free of grease or other slippery substances.

Keep knives away from the edge of the counter to lessen the chance of being knocked off.

Never try to catch a falling knife!

Wash knives immediately after use. Do not leave knives in a sink of soapy water where they cannot be seen. Keep the sharp edge of the blade away from you when washing.


Whether it’s fire, knives or blenders, be mindful with your cooking equipment to spare yourself a trip to the emergency room.

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